Michael White

Priest of the Archdiecese of Baltimore, Pastor of the Timonium Bethlehem Church in Maryland, Co-author of the Book Rebuilt
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Michael White is one the co-authors of Rebuilt, a hugely successful book about pastoring; together with his fellow pastor, Tom Corcoran, they triggered fundamental changes in their parish in norther Baltimore (Maryland, USA). They rebuilt their parish step by step. The number churchgoers and volunteers tripled as a result of their work. Their budget quadrupled and they managed to build a community centre using only their own resources. Today’s society is too susceptible to bad news, and we are having a hard time when it comes to receiving good news. Michael White and Tom Corcoran recognized that they need to invite everybody to meet Jesus, especially those who are not churchgoers. They found the most important message for their mission in one of Jesus’ commands: „Make disciples of all nations.” When it comes to building relationships with people, Jesus’ accepting, proactive, encouraging and loving attitude serves as an example for them. The other key to their success is teamwork – the church belongs not only to the priests but to everybody; everybody can find their role there. White has a degree from the Loyola University Maryland and holds two other degrees in sacral theology and ecclesiology which he obtained at the Pontifical Gregorian University.

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