Pope Francis in Budapest

21 July 2021
Head of Catholic Church to attend the International Eucharistic congress after twenty-one years! Pope Francis celebrates the Closing Mass of the World Meeting to be held at Heroes’ Square, Budapest on 12 September.

Pope Francis’ airplane will land at Budapest “Ferenc Liszt” International Airport shortly before 8.00 a.m. on September 12, 2021. Following an official welcome the Holy Father will meet with President János Ádler and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, then will welcome the country’s bishops at the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest.

Thereafter Pope Francis encounters the representatives of the Ecumenical Council of Churches, and some Jewish communities.

At 11.30, Pope Francis will concelebrate the Holy Mass for closing of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress, to be held at Heroes’ Square.

In the afternoon the Holy Father departs to Bratislava, Slovakia. The Apostolic three days visit will include meetings with religious and political leaders, as well with members of the Roma and Jewish communities. Pope Francis’ journey in Slovakia also covers a visit to the cities of Kosice and Prešov. On September 15 the Holy Father will preside over a Holy Mass at the National Paulin Shrine in Šaštín.

For registration to the IEC programs and the Closing Mass, please consult our website.